Geneseo Rotary Club Meeting
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Welcome ! Bernard Wright Jr (Bernie), Inducted on April 11,2022
he was sponsered by Bonnie Swanson

Club Meeting 10/04/2021

We inducted Alec Schumacher from key bank. Steve Weiner spoke on the club activities,
John Lanpher spoke about the foundation and
Dennis Dawson spoke on the club history.
Don Livingston was sponsor for Alec.

Our speaker was Eddie Lee from the town board.
He spoke of the three sectors of community engagement:
government, non profit clubs and organizations
and local businesses and the chamber.

Club Meeting 09/20/2021

L to R front row: PE Patti LaVigne, Pres. Teresa Chichester, DG Janet Tenreiro
L to R back row: AG & PP Michael Kolberg, PP Don Livingston, DG Elect Ralph Brandt, PDG Linda Kohl

Rotary District Golf Tournament at Lima Country Club
Two Geneseo Rotary teams participated in the annual Rotary District 7120 Golf Tournament
at Lima Country Club on September 10th.

Pictured are back row, l to r; Alec Schumacher, our newest club member; Don Livingston, Mike Kolberg and John Lanpher.
Middle row; Art Hatton and guest Otto Kenney;
and front District Governor Janet Tenreiro, who played with the Geneseo team.
Don Livingston and Alec Schumacher were two of only three winners in the Putting Contest
and it was a very enjoyable day for all.

Speaker PDG Bill Gormont - Crutches 4 Africa project at the 08/16/21 meeting

Geneseo children's author Colleen Ventorino was the guest speaker at new
Rotary President Teresa Chichester's first meeting July 12th.

Photos by John Lanpher